Somaliland: Booliska Somaliland Oo Jaad Tiro Badan Gubay


Ciidamada booliska Somaliland ayaa soo qabtay shixnado qaad ah oo si aan sharci ahayn loosoo galiyay gudaha waddanka, xili ay mamnuucday xukuumadda madaxweyne Biixi.

Xarunta guud ee ciidanka booliska ayaa saaka goor dhawayd lagu gubay qaadkan oo ciidamadu ay soo qabteen, waxaana goob joog ka ahaa fagaaraha lagu gubayay xubno ka socday wasaaradda arimaha gudaha, madaxtooyada iyo saraakiisha booliska.

Inta lagu jiro bisha barakaysan ee Ramadan, waxa ay Somaliland dhammaan deegaanadeeda ka mamnuucday qaadka.

Wargane News
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