Covid19: App Kuu Sheegaya Marka Aad La Kulantid Qof Qaba Coronavirus


Dad ka badan hal malyan oo u dhashay dalka Australia ayaa soo degsaday App sheegaysa marka aad la kulantid qof qaba cudurka Coronavirus, saacado kaddib markii ay dowladda shaacisay.

App-ka ayaa isticmaalaysa Bluetooth, waxayna ogaanaysaa isu soo dhawaanshaha laba qof marka ay isku jir sadaan 1.5m.

Dadka isticmaalaya App-kan ayaa ogaanaya qofka qaba cudurka Corona haddii ay muddo 15 daqiiqa ah ay xiriir dhow la yeeshan.

Dalka Australia ayaa diwaan geliyay 6,694 oo kiis, waxaana cudurka u geeriyootay dad gaaraya 80 qof.

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