Alvaro Morata Oo Si Qiiro Leh U Macsalaameeyay Ciyaartoyda Real Madrid, Tababare Zidane & Shaqaalaha Kooxda


Alvaro Morata ayaa si dareen leh u sagootiyay ciyaartoyda Real Madrid shalayto ooarbaco ah kadib markii uu daqiiqadii ugu dambeeyay kula qaatay tababarka markii loo sheegay inuu ku biiray kooxda Chelsea.

Weeraryahanka 24-jirka ah wuxuu noqday ciyaariyahanka ebid ugu qaalisan taariikhda xidigaha Spain madama uu 80 Malyan oo Euro ku imaan doono garoonka Stamford Bridge.

Kadib markii ay labada kooxood ay ku heshiyeen qiimahisa ayuu booqday xarunta tababarka Real Madrid ee UCLA Training Base ee ku taala Los Angeles, waxeyna u aheyd markii ugu dambeysay oo uu la kulmay saaxiibadiis iyo tababare Zidane.

Real Madrid ayaa sawiradas kusoo bandhigtay website-keeda rasmiga ah iyadoo ugu mahad celineysa waxqabadkii uu soo bandhigay mudadiisa Los Blancos

Daawo: Sidii Qiirada Lahayd Ee Uu Alvaro Morata U Macasalaameeyay Xiddiga Real Madrid

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