Somaliland: Wafti uu hogaaminayo Guddoomiye Baashe oo u socdaalay Daminta Colaad Qoriley


Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenka Kowaad ee Golaha wakiilada Baashe Maxamed Faarax iyo Wafti wasiiro ah oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa manta u ambobaxay Gobolka Sool oo ay ka taagan tahay xisad colaadeed oo ka dhalatay dagaal labba beellood oo walaalo ahi uu ku dhexmaray deeganka Qoriley.

Guddoomiye Baashe oo intii aanu Hargeysa ka ambo bixin warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay manta u baxayaan Gobolka Sool gaar ahaana deeganka dirirtu ka taagan tahay, waxaanu xusay in labbada beellood ee walaalo ahi uu dagaalkoodu ka bilaamay dhuldaaqsimeed ah oo ah xoolo daaqen ah, isla markana dagaalkoodu soo socday muddo 10 sanno ah.

Baashe ayaa baaq u diray dhammaan Isimada, Garaadada, Madaxdhaqameedka in ay u guntadaan sidii colaadaasi ay u bakhtinlahaayeen.

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