Somaliland: Nuxurka Kulanka Hargeysa Uga Furmay Safiirrada Somaliland


Wasiirka wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Dr Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa shalay Hargeysa ka furay shirka safiirada Somaliland oo dib loogu eegayo aqoonta danjireyaasha iyo siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in muddo saddex cisho ah shaqada diblamaasinimo lagu tababari doono safiirada Somaliland ee wadamada dibadda, labada cisho ee u dambeeyana kulanku noqon doono mid ay qayb ka yihiin baarlamaanka iyo asxaabta qaranka dibna loogu eegi doono siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda.

Kulankan 5 cisho socon doono oo ah kii u horeeyay ee noociisa ah oo intii Somaliland jirtay dib loogu qiimaynayo tayada Safiirada iyo siyaasadda arrimaha dibada ayay goob joog ka yihiin 15 wakiil oo dalalka dibada u jooga Somaliland. Waxa wakiilladaasi lagu baraarujin doonaa danaha ay qaranka uga metelaan dalalka shisheeye.

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