Tag: Houthis

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Somaliland: President Silaanyo set to visit Saudi Arabia

Somaliland president H.E Ahmed M. Silanyo leading a high level delegation set to embark on visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia soon. It is the...

Somaliland: Special units from Somaliland Defense Forces dispatch to Saudi Arabia

Recruitment plans are underway to dispatch units from Somaliland Defense Forces to Saudi Arabia to fight along the coalition forces who are battling with houthi...

US: Iran still supporting terrorism, U.S. reports

The State Department report paints a picture of an aggressive Iranian foreign policy that has often been contrary to the interests of the United...

Somalia: Sirdoonka Iiraan Oo Shaaciyey Qorshe 10-Kun Oo Dhallinyaro Soomaali Ah Loogu Daabulayo Dalka Yemen Si Ay Xuutiyiinta Ula Dagaalamaan

Qorshe UAE, Sacuudiga Iyo Qatar Dagaalka Shiicada Ka Dhanka Ah Ugu Adeegsanayaan Ciidamaynta Soomaalida Saboolka Ah + Ujeedada Safarkii Sh. Aala-nahyan Ee Muqdisho Dalalka Imaaraadka,...

Yeman: Wadahadallada nabadda ee Yeman oo furmaya

Golaha amniga ee Qaramada Midoobeey ayaa waxa uu xaqiijiyay in wadahadallada nabadda ee Yeman ay isbuuca soo socdo furmi doonaan si loo dhammeeyo dagaalka. Saacado...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

