Somaliland: Golaha Wakiillada Oo Ansixiyey Xeer Ciqaabaya Dadka Mandooriyaha Isticmaala


Xildhibaanada golaha wakiillada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ayaa maanta ansixiyey xeerka Maandooriyaha oo horyaalay golaha.

Qodobada la ansixiyey ee xeerka ku jira ayaa waxa kamid ah in qofka lagu qabto isaga oo Maandooriye isticmaalaya, maxkamadda horteedadana ka hor cadeeya lagu Xukumaayo saddex sanno ilaa laba sanno oo bilaa iib ah iyo afartan jeedal oo ciqaab ah.

Xildhibaanada ayaa badi diiday oo dood ka keenay in walxa ka samaysan maandooriyaha aan loo isticmaali karin

Wargane News
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