Somaliland: Shirkadda Dahabshiil Group ayaa ugu deeqday $800,000 Guddida Heer Qaran ee Ka Hortaga Covid19 ee Somaliland. Deeqddaa oo isugu Jirta:


Shirkadda Dahabshiil Group ayaa ugu deeqday $800,000 Guddida Heer Qaran ee Ka Hortaga Covid19 ee Somaliland. Deeqddaa oo isugu Jirta:
1- Qalab Caafimaad oo qiime ahaan ku kacaya $600.000 (Lix Boqol oo kun oo Doollar) kana Kooban:-
– Saddex Gaadhi oo Gaadiidka Gurmadka Deg Dega ah ee loo yaqaan (Ambulance) oo qolabkoodu u dhameystiranyahay.
– Mishiinada Shaybaadhka Xanuunka Covidh19 (PCR)
– Laba Mishiin oo kuwa waaweyn ah ee dhaliya Oxygen-ta, Baahidda Dalkoo dhana Daboolaya.
– Saddex Mashiin oo ah kuwa Naqaska dadka kasoo saara (Ventilotors)
– Saddex Oxygen dhaliye oo gacanta lagu qaadi karo.
2- Lacag $200.000 (Laba Boqol oo kun oo Doollar) oo loogu talo galay in la siiyo 4,000 oo qoys oo reer Somaliland ah.
Waxaanay shirkadu ballan qaaday inaanay noqon doonin tii u danbaysay.
Alla Mahad leh
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