Somaliland: Cali Khaliif Oo Maanta Booqasho Gaaban Ku Tagey Tuulooyin Ka Tirsan Gobaladda Cayn


Madaxweynaha Maamuka Khaatumo Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh Iyo Wefti uu hogaaminaayo ayaa waxaa ay gaadheen Deganka Farjano Eek a tirsan gobalka CAYN.

Madaxweynaha ayaa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay degankaasi waxa uuna shirar laqatay odayaasha deganka

Oodayaasha iyo waxgaradka deganka farjano ayaa simugleh Wada hadalka maamulka Khaatumo uu kula jiro dawalda Somaliland

Madaxweyne galaydh ayaa baaq u diray beesha caalamka iyadoo degankan ay isugu soo xaroodeen boqolaal qoys oo kuwo xooluhu ka dhamaadeen

Ugu danbayn Dadka Reer Farjano Ayaa Si weyn Ugu Faraxsanaa Imashaha Madaxweynaha Yagoona Sheegay In Ay Taageersan Yihiin Xukiimada Xaatumo

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