“Waxaan Doonayaa In Aan Tababare U Noqdo Kooxda Chelsea” Frank Lampard.


Laacibkii hore Chelsea ee Franck Lampard ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu haminayo in uu tababare ka noqdo mar uun kooxda galbeedka London ka dhisan ee Chelsea .

Laacibkaas 38 sano jirka ah ayaa haatan ka ciyaara horyaalka Mareykanka gaar ahaan kooxda New York City , waxa uuna tilmaamay in marka ciyaaraha uu ka fariisto in dhanka tababarka uu u soo jeesto

” Arin wacan ayay ahaan laheyd haddi Chelsea iigu yeeraan in aan layliyo , haatan waxaan qaadanayaa siminaar dhanka tababarka ah” ayuu laacibkaas hore Man City ka sheegay Sky Sport

” Chelsea waxa ay ka mid tahay kooxaha dunida ugu weyn sharaf ayayna ii ahaan laheyd in aan layliyo” ayuu sii raaciyay Lampard

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