India: 8 Boolis oo lagu diley weerar ka dhacay dalka Hindiya


Dabley hubeysan ayaa weerar gaadmo ah ku diley sideed kamid ah Booliska dalka Hindiya.

Weerarka ayaa ka dhacay gobolka Nagaland ee ku yaalla Waqooyo-bari ee dalkaas, waxaana sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay lix askari oo kale.

Sida ay sheegayan wararka, dableyda ayaa rasaas ooda uga qaaday gaari ay wateen booliska oo xilliga u socday in ay meel ceel ah biyo kasoo shubtaan.

Rasaas ay soo fureen sidoo kale booliska ayaa waxaa ku dhintey mid kamid ah dableydii.

Gobolka Nagaland oo ay ku nool yihin labo milyan oo qof ayaa marar badan dalbaday madax-banaani, waxaana dhowr jeer oo hore dableyda ay weerar ku qaadeen dadka dowladda u shaqeeya.

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