Somaliland:Xaaji Cabdi Waraabe Oo Bulshada U Caddeeyay In Laga Gudbay Murankii Muddo Kordhinta


Xaaji Cabdirariin Cabdi Xuseen (Cabdi Waraabe) oo ka mid ah hal-doorka iyo waxgaradka Somaliland, ayaa ka hadlay dib u dhaca ku yimid qabsoomidda doorashooyinka Madaxtooyada iyo Golaha wakiillada Somaliland, waxaanu sheegay in xukuumadda iyo saddexda xisbi Qaran ku heshiiyeen muddo kordhin.

Xaaji oo maanta saxaafadda kula hadlay Gurigiisa oo ay ku booqdeen ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay dagaallada ka socda Yemen, waxaanu ku taliyey in la soo dhaweeyo dadka Qoxootiga ah ee Somaliland imanaya, isagoo xusay in shacabka Yemen ay hore u taageereen reer Somaliland

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