Xiddiga Iyo Tababarihii Ugu Fiicnaa Bisha December Horyaalka Premier League Oo Lagu Dhawaaqay.


Shan gool uu dhaliyay shan kulan. December waxa ay u aheyd bil fiican weeraryahanka QPR Charlie Austin isagoo ka caawiyay kooxdiisa labo guul iyo barbaro iyagoo u dagaalamaya inay baaqi ku sii ahaadaan Premier League.

Haatan 25 jirkaan weerarka ka ciyaara ayaa la gudoonsiiyay abaalmarinta bilaha ee Premier League.

Xiddiga QPR Charlie Austin ayaa yiri: “Waan ku faraxsanahay in la ii magacaabo xiddiga ugu fiican bishii December ee horyaalka Premier League. Waan u mahadcelinayaa cid walba oo ii codeysay. Ma aanan helin laheyn abaalmarintaan asxaabteyda kooxda la’aantooda.”


Dhanka kale tababaraha Manchester City Manuel Pellegrini ayaa isna loo magacaabay tababaraha bishii December ugu fiicnaa horyaalka Premier League, isagoo kooxdiisa ku hogaamiyay shan guul oo isku xigta oo horyaalka ah oo ka soo bilaabatay kulankii ay 4-1 kaga badiyeen Sunderland.

Guulo ay ka gaareen Everton, Leicester, Crystal Palace iyo West Brom ayaa sii raacday, kaliya Burnley ayaa ka beenisay inay helaan seddexda dhibcood kulankoodii ugu danbeysay ee 2014

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