Tag: SDF

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Somaliland: Xukumadda Oo Jawaab Adag Ka Bixisay Hadal Kasoo Yeedhay Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Muqdisho Xasan Sheekh

Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud Iyo Guryaynta Somaliland Md: Cali Xasan Maxamed (Cali Mareexaan) ayaa gaashaanka ku dhuftay hadal kasoo yeedhay Madaxwaynha Somaliya ,kaas oo sheegay...

Somaliland: “Xukuumaddu Ma Aqlabayso In Beero Cusub Laga Sameeyo Geed-deeble.” Wasiir Maxamuud Xaashi

Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda ayaa kormeeray siday u socoto hawsha biyo balaadhinta caasimadu oo ka socda deegaanka geed deeble, isla markaana wuxuu sheegay in mashruucan ay...

Development Support to Somaliland

The Head of DFID Somalia Phil Evans visited Somaliland in February 2016 to attend a High Level Delegation meeting to discuss and review development...

Somaliland: First Lady Meets with Irish International Charity group Officials

Somaliland First lady Amina Waris Sheik Mahmoud Jirde currently accompanying President silanyo on a state visit to the Republic of Ireland met on Tuesday...

Somaliland: “Taageerada Denmark ee Somaliland Waxa Ay Leedahay Saameyn Muuqata” DANIDA, Michael Thyge

 “Muwaadiniinta Denmark  sida ay  xog ogaal ugu yihiin  xaaladda Somaliland ayaa ah mid si aad   u soo kordheysa, waxaanay dadka reer Denmark ogaadeen in...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

