Tag: Biixi Yoonis

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Somaliland: Kulmiye Central Committee Convention to kick off, choosing a presidential candidate set to reach a fever pitch

Kulmiye Ruling Party’s Central Committee Convention is due to start in September, 2015. The Central Committee Convention is supposed to choose the party’s next presidential...

Somaliland: Loolanka Musharaxnimada Kulmiye Oo Dib Uga Dhex Bilawday Maxamed Biixi iyo Muuse Biixi

Gedgeddoonka iyo gebi-dhaclaynta Xaaladda siyaasadeed ee tartanka Musharraxnimo ee xisbiga KULMIYE oo marxalado kala duwan soo maraysay ayaa maalmihii ugu dambeeyey yeeshay waji kale...

Somaliland: Bashe has rights to and befits the appointment

The Foreign Minister Hon. Mohammed Bihi Yonis scoffed at opposition distracters who cried foul without any tangible reasons, hence made it clear that the...

Somaliland: Wasiirka Khaarajiga Oo Difaacay Itijaaha Siyaasadda Dibadda Somaliland

“Baashe Cawil Waa Nin Mutacalin ah In Xil Loo Magacaabana Kama Hor istaagayso reerka uu ka Qabo” Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada iyo...

Somaliland: Wasiir Biixi Oo Ethiopia Kaga Qayb Galay Shir Ay Wada Jir U Qabteen China, Ethiopia iyo Bangiga Aduunku

Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Somaliland, Maxamed Biixi Yoonis, ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyay nuxurka kulamo uu la qaatay Maalqabeenno danaynaya inay Somaliland maalgashadaan. Waxa uu sheegay...


Time to Temper Response to Ethiopia and Somaliland

The crisis in bilateral relations between Somalia and Ethiopia...

Al-Shabab captures UN helicopter in central Somalia

Several passengers reportedly taken by the armed group after...

It is Time for the World to Recognize Somaliland

omaliland has been on a charm offensive for three...

Somaliland does not want to be a “banana republic”

Somaliland is not seeking to be a “banana republic”....

