English News

Somaliland’s main opposition party faces split in dispute over flagbearer’s deputy

The main opposition party in the breakaway northern Somalia republic of Somalia is in danger of splitting amid standoff over the prospective candidate who...

Somalia: Security forces trained on facilitating humanitarian access

A team from African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) Humanitarian Unit and the Civil Military Working Group held a two-day workshop aimed at improving...

Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Mohamed detained in Somalia

Reporter arrested by Somali security agents in the capital, Mogadishu, Somalia, along with a driver, fixer and cameraman. Al Jazeera journalist Hamza Mohamed has been...

Somalia: Al-Shabab attack on Somali city leaves several dead

At least 10 people killed after al-Shabab fighters carry out suicide attack at a police station in Afgoye city. At least 10 people, including soldiers...

Rehabilitating child soldiers: The push to save Somalia’s kids from the al-Qaeda affiliated terror group al-Shabaab

Despite suffering major military setbacks in recent months — thanks in part to intensified U.S. drone strikes and ground operations — the al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group...


