Somalia: Kheyre Waxaan ku heshiinay inaan is dhegaysanno inagoo kala aragti duwan


Raysal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay shirkii magaalada Dhuusomareeb ugusoo gabagabeeyay dowladda federalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada inuu ahaa shir is dhegaysi iyo isku tanaasul ku qotomay danta dadka Soomaaliyeed.

Raysal Wasaare ayaa sheegay xaallada uu dalka marayo inay qasab tahay in la wada shaqeeyo si waddanka looga saaro marxalada uu marayo.

“Waxaan ku heshiinnay inaan is dhageysanno, waliba marka aan kala aragti duwannahay, si aan isugu keenno aragti mideysan oo dalka u sii horseedi karta hormarka dhaqaale, amni iyo midka siyaasadeed ee aan dalka gaarsiinnay,” ayuu yidhi raysal wasaare Kheyre.

Wuxuu sheegay raysal wasaaruhu shirka Dhuusomareeb inuu horseed u yahay sidii loo dhameystiri lahaa arrimaha dhiman ee horyaala shirka saddexaad ee la isku imaandoono magaalada Dhuusomareeb.

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