“Waan ku raaxeystay inaan la shaqeeyo xidiga kooxda Real Madrid” – Jose Mourinho


Tababarihii hore kooxda Real Madrid ee Jose Mourinho ayaa beeniyay in wax dhibaato ah uu ku qabay xidig ka tirsan Los Blancos.

Macalinka reer Portugal ee Jose Mourinho iyo Karim Benzema ayay la sheegay inuu khilaaf ka dhexeeyay, xiligii uu ninka reer Portugal ku sugnaa garoonka Santiago Bernabéu.

Jose Mourinho ayaa wareysi uu ku bixiyay wargeyska “L’Equipe” ee dalka France kaga hadlay sida uu ahaa xiriirka kala dhexeeyay Karim Benzema waayihiisii kooxda Real Madrid.

“Waxaan kaliya doonayay inaan caawiyo Karim Benzema, si uu u gaaro heerkiisa ugu fiican, islamarkaana uu bahal ugu noqdo goolhaayaha hortiisa”.

“Waan ku raaxeystay inaan la shaqeeyo Karim Benzema”.

Yeelkadeeda, mudada saddexdii xili ciyareed uu Jose Mourinho macalinka ka ahaa kooxda Real Madrid, Karim Benzema ayaa ciyaaray 150 kulan, wuxuuna dhaliyay 78 gool.

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