This was revealed the Presidency Minister Mahmud Abdi Hashi as he lambasted Puntland for warning that no elections shall be held in both Sool and Sanaag regions of Somaliland.

Residents of Sool region in the Diaspora have been urged to actively and willingly participate in local Development.

The urging so we’re made by the Somaliland presidency minister Mahmud Abdi Hashi in Las Anod town where he was part of the president Silanyo delegation on a working tour of numerous regions in the east of the country.

While revealing that the government of Somaliland shall inject $7m for various development projects in areas administered from Las Anod town, Minister Hashi also gave a detailed briefing on the objectives of the presidential tour of the astern regions and more so Sool.
Addressing a function hosted for the president by area traditional leaders the presidency min steer said, “

“The purpose of the visit by president Silanyo and his delegation is to inspect Development projects in the region and assess future needs” adding that the head of state had visited a number of projects among them the public hospital.

As he thanked the residents for their warm welcome to president Silanyo, minister Hashi went on to indicate that while various administrations have been at the helm in the country, the current one established by the Kulmiye party has concentrated and achieved much in Sool where residents are slowly starting to enjoy peace and public services.

Somaliland: State Injects $7m for Projects in Sool Region
Minister Mahmud Hashi with Minister Yasin Faratoon

Minister Mahmud Abdi Hashi was part of the president delegation to Sool region Giving an example of the developments garnered by the administration of president Silanyo in Sool region, the venue of the meeting, Sool institute of health sciences , was termed as one whose graduates shall not only be of benefit to area residents but in the entire country as well.
Stating that the $7m Development funds for the region shall be utilized within the remainder of the year, the presidency minister while revealing that the kitty comes from the Somaliland Development fund-SDF also took the opportunity to thank friendly governments that contribute to the fund.

Said he.” While this kitty shall be used within the remainder of the year, more multi-sectors SDF projects are planned for Sool, Haysimo and Buhodle regions in 2017” hike adding that this shall be made possible by the next post elections incoming Kulmiye administration

In the same breathe the Somaliland presidency minister queried the intent of Puntland, a Somalia administrative region bordering the country to the east that aspires to jurisdictional authority over Sool and Sanaag regions.

“Apart from the shared borders Puntland and the people of Sool and east Sanaag regions share nothing else” said Minister Mahmud Abdi Hashi in apparent reference to warning emanating from the administration in Garowe to the effect that it shall not allow any elections to take place in both Sool and east Sanaag regions.