The Republic of Somaliland legislators at the House of Representatives, today, overwhelmingly approved the memorandum of understanding that the government entered with DP World of the Emirates on Berbera port development.
To speed up the process, 5 MPs who were listed to speak on the floor withdrew their privelege in favor of the voting procedure.
Read More: Somaliland: Berbera port Development Motion tabled in Parliament
Consequently, the the House Speaker called for a floor vote.
Out of 74 MPs present at today’s session, 69 voted in favor of the agreement reached with the UAE-based leader in port management, five voted ‘naye!’ and none abstained.

Remarkably, out of the 5 opposing the development project, 4 hailed from the same clan – thus baring, some say, a hidden agenda that had nothing to do with safeguarding national interests. The 5th, Abdirahman Xoog, stormed out when, reports say, he guaged the level of support for the MoU he so vehemently opposed. A sixth, Abdulkadir Jirdeh, for reasons not stated, did not enter the hall although present at the premises, only walking in when the other MPs were casting their vote. He did not. Instead, he made a turnabout and walked out again.
Today’s vote of confidence for Somaliland’s primary seaport development scheme, which also entails side benefits that are of great import to the country, signals a new era in Somaliland thinking that greatly encourages national and international investment initiatives to take root.
73 MPs were present during today’s session vote 69 MPs voted in favor.
- Baashe Maxamed Faarax
- Dr. Cali Yuusuf Axmed
- Axmed Maxamed Diiriye (Nac-nac)
- Cali Maxamed Aadan (Calibarre)
- Saleeban Cawad Cali (Bukhaari)
- Axmed Cabdi Nuur (kijandhe)
- Maxamed Cali Xirsi (Obama)
- C/raxman Cisman Caalin
- C/raxman Yuusuf Cartan
- Ibraahim Caraale Cabdi (Ruush)
- Baar Siciid Faarax
- Ibraahim Jaamac Cali (Reyte)
- Ibraahim Mahdi Buubaa
- Naasir X. Cali Shire
- C/raxman Maxamed Talyanle
- Cabdi Maxamud Jaamac (Gaagale)
- C/casiis Ismacil Ducaale
- Saleeban Yuusuf Cali (Koore)
- Siciid Maxamed Cilmi
- Xaashi Xuseen Caabi
- C/karim Abuubakar Good
- C/ramxan Maxamed Jaamac
- C/qaadir Jibriil Tukaale
- Axmed Barkhad Obiisye
- Cali Sh. Ibraahim Aareeye
- Siciid Warsame Ismaciil
- Farxan Maxamed Cali
- Faarax Maxamuud Cabdule
- Maxamuud Dhunkaale Guutaale
- Xamze Maxamed Gaadaweyne
- Axmed Jaamac Warfaa (Wadka)
- Maxamuud X. Maxamed Cumar Xaashi
- C/karimm Aw Cali Shabeel
- C/laahi Xuseen Cige (Blacky)
- Axmed Faarax Jooge
- Xusen Ismaciil Yuusuf
- C/qaadir Jamac Xaamaud
- Axmed Maxamed Nuur
- Maxamed Cisman Bulqaas
- Cali X. Maxamed Muuse
- Maxamed Cumar Aadam (Jiir)
- Maxamud Axmed Obsiiye
- Axmed Ducaale Bulaale
- Axmed Cabdi Kaahin
- Maxamed Saalax Cige
- Wali Axmed Xaawo
- Maxamed Axmed Maxamed (Dhakool)
- Cabdi Hiirad Warfaa Faahiye
- Yuusuf Liibaan Cumar
- Cali Obsiiye Diiriye (Gabiley)
- Maxamed Jamac Cabdi
- Maxamed Jama Cali
- Maxamed Baaruud Shide
- Aadan X. Diiriye DIrir
- C/raxman Jaamac Muuse
- AxmedYaasiin Sh. Cali Ayaanle
- Xusen Maxamed Cige
- C/laahi Axmed Yuusuf (Madar)
- Ibrahim Axmed Reygal
- Maxamed X. Yuusuf Axmed (Waabeeyo)
- Maxamed Xusen X. Ciise
- Mahdi Xusen Cadar
- Mahdi C/laahi Maxamuud
- Xasan Cawaale Ceynaan
- Xasan Muuse Hufane
- C/qaadir Askar Xasan
- Muuse Maxamed Ismaciil (Hoos-ujeed)
- Ismaaciil Maxamed Xasan
4 MPs against;
- Siciid Cilmi Roole
- Siciid Cartan Cisman
- Xaamud Cisman Cigaal
- Axmed Xasan Aadan (Weysa cade)
The House Speaker did cast his vote.
The DP World Berbera Deal bill was approved by House of Representatives.