Somalia: Al Shabaab oo afar nin u diley in ay ahaayeen Basaasiin


Ururka al-Shabaab ayaa manta goob fagaare ah ku diley 4 nin oo ay ku eedeeyeen in ay ahaayeen basaasiin u shaqeeya Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Dowladda Kenya. Dilka ayaa ka dhacay degmada Diinsoor ee gobolka Baay.

Afarta nin ayaa la rumeysan yahay in ay ka mid ahaayeen kooxda al-Shabaab.

 Bishii Feberaayo 2015 ayey ahayd markii al-Shabaab ay isla goobta ay manta dadka ku toogteen ku dileen nin lagu maacaabo Cabdulqaadir Shiikh Cali kaas oo ay ku eedeeyee in uu ahaa Sixiroole

Hoggaamiyaal badan ayaa al-Shabaab ay ka dileen diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha wadin, waxaaana ay inta badan u soo qabtaan xubno isla iyaga ah kuwaas oo ayku eedeeyaan in ay gacan ka geysteen.

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