Senegal oo ku biiray Howlgalka Sacuudiga ee Yemen


Dowladda Senegal ayaa taageertay howlgalka uu hogaaminaayo Sacuudiga ee ka dhanka kooxaha Xuutiyinta ee la wareegay awooda dalka Yemen.

Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Senegal Mankeur Ndiaye ayaa sheegay in 2,100 askari oo ka socda wadankaas ay ku biiri doonaan howlgalka.

Khudbad uu ka jeediyey Baarlamaanka wadankaas ayuu ku sheegay in hadafkoodu yahay in ay ka hortagaan wax walba oo khatar ah oo ka dhan ah magaalooyinka Barakaysan ee Makka iyo Madina.

Wuxuu sidoo kale sheegay in ay ka shaqeyn doonaan sidii gargaar loo gaarsiin lahaa dadka rayidka ee ku tabaaleysan colaada.

Inka badan 1,200 qof ayaa ku dhintey colaada ka aloosan dalka Yemen iyadoo ay ku barakaceen boqolaal kun.

Wargane News
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