Yemen:Saudi navy rescues diplomats from Aden


he Saudi navy has evacuated 86 Saudi, Arab and Western diplomats from the southern Yemeni port city Aden, reported Al Arabiya News Channel on Saturday.

The evacuation mission involved two navy ships, planes and commandos, Al Arabiya reported, adding that it was carried out on Wednesday, but only reported on a few days later.

Earlier on Saturday, Saudi defense minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman – who is supervising the campaign against Houthi militias in Yemen – sent three planes to evacuate a U.N. mission in the capital Sanaa.

The U.N. mission demanded airspace to allow the planes to secure their evacuation from the Yemeni capital to Ethiopia.

The evacuation was met with obstacles, however, as Houthi militias prevented nearly 140 people from the U.N. mission from leaving by surrounding their base. It was later reported that the U.N. was evacuating staff from Sanaa and Special Envoy Jamal Benomar had managed to leave the city.

As the Saudi-led “Operation Decisive Storm,” continues into its third day, sources confirmed to the channel the coalition strikes destroyed a large Houthi ballistic missile stockpile in the capital Sanaa.

On the third day of the air campaign, strikes were carried out in Sanaa, as well as other areas south of the country.

Witnesses also reported that the warplanes flew in the skies of the southern city of Dalea as Houthis attempted to use anti-aircraft missiles in Sanaa against coalition fighters.

Early Thursday, Saudi Arabia and its allies waged a military campaign against the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen in support of a request from President Abd-Rabu Mansour Hadi.

A coalition of all GCC countries, barring Oman, is taking part in the campaign, including Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan and Pakistan. Saudi air campaign was launched overnight which has already resulted in the elimination of several Houthi leaders.

Source: Alarabia

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