Today, the Somaliland committee designated to continue the talks that Somaliland started with Somalia on the question of sovereignty and future cooperation between the two sisterly countries, called the three national political parties for a consultation meeting on the issue.
Mohamed Behi Yonis, the minister for Foreign Affairs, told the press after the conclusion of today’s meeting that the two sides talked of how best to inch the question of sovereignty forward in the on-going talks that Somaliland is holding with the former Somali Republic partner – the Somalia of today.
The Minister said that some members from the opposition parties proposed that the talks be put on hold until the upcoming elections are held, and done away with.
Minister Behi made it clear that the government position was that the talks continue as scheduled and that anybody who ascended to the leading seat of the government must continue from where the other left it.
“Regardless of who wins the elects, the talks must continue until we reach our goal,” the Minister stated.
Abdinassir Qodah of UCID party said that their position was that the venue of the talks be changed from Turkey to someplace else, preferably in the West, since, as he put it, “Turkey
was no longer impartial” as “it sides clearly with Somalia”.
Mohamed Kahin Ahmed of Kulmiye – the ruling party – said that his party wholly supported the committee, and wished it success.
The Committee is preparing for the talks with Somalia scheduled to be held in Istanbul later in the week.
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