Dagaal ka dhacay duleedka Guriceel


Wararka laga helayo degmada Guriceel ee gobolka Galguduud, ayaa sheegaya in duleedka degmadaasi uu dagaal ku dhex maray ciidammada dowladda iyo maamulka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca ee gacanta ku haya Guriceel.

Weriyaha BBC ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in dagaalkaasi uu hadda joogsaday, balse labada dhinac ay weli isku hor fadhiyaan duleedka degmada.

Waxaa jiro khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac isugu jira oo dagaalka ka dhashay, balse si dhab ah looma oga tirada saxda ah.

Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in xooggaga Ahlu Sunna ay weli gacanta ku hayaan Guriceel, ayna jiraan dad rayid ah oo ka qaxaya magaaladaasi.

Xooggaga Ahlu Sunna ayaa todobaad ka hor la wareegay gacan ku haynta degmada Guriceel.

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