Ciidamada Cirka ee Nigeria oo duqeeyey tuulooyin badan


Dowlada Nigeria ayaa sheegtay inay dishey tiro badan oo kamid ah kooxda Boko Xaraam kadib weeraro dhanka cirka ah oo ay diyaaradahoodu ku qaadeen waqooyiga wadankaasi.

Balse warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in dadka ku dhintey duqeymahan ay ku jiraan shacab badan.

Tuulada Abadam oo saaran xadka u dhaxeeya dalka Nigeria iyo Niger ayey ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 37 qof oo rayid ah kadib markii labo diyaaradood ay deegaankaasi duqeymo la beegsadeen, goobaha burburka soo gaaray waxaa kamid ahaa Masaajid ay ku sugnaayeen dad badan oo guryahooda kasoo cararay.

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