Canug yar oo hooyadii ku dilay Maraykanka


 Hubka in lawato ayaa sharci ka ah Maraykanka, sawirkana waa gabadh sagaal jir ah oo mar hore dishay macalinkeeda barayay sida xabadda loo rido
Hubka in lawato ayaa sharci ka ah Maraykanka, sawirkana waa gabadh sagaal jir ah oo mar hore dishay macalinkeeda barayay sida xabadda loo rido

Xukuumada Maraykanku waxa ay sheegtay in wiil yar oo labo jir ah uu si kama ah xabbad ugu dhuftay una dilay hooyadii iyaga oo ka adeeganaya xarunta ganacsiga ee Wal-Mart.

Saraakiishu waxa ay sheegeen in ilmaha ama cunugaasi yar ay u suurtagashay in uu tuujiyo buskoolad ku jirtay boorsada hooyadii.

Arrintaasina waxa ay ka dhacday magaalada Hayden ee dalka Maraykanka.

Wargane News
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