Roberto Mancini Oo Xaqiijiyay Xiisaha Lukas Podolski Ee Inter Milan.


Roberto Mancini ayaa qirtay in Inter Milan ay xiiseyneyso inay la soo wareegto weeraryahanka Arsenal Lukas Podolski.

Weeraryahanka Jarmalka ayaa si weyn loola xiriirinayay inuu ka tagayo Emirates Stadium marka uu furmo suuqa kala iibsiga ciyaartoyda bisha Janaayo, isagoo kaliya todoba kulan oo Premier League u saftay Arsenal ilaa iyo haatan xilli ciyaareedkan.

Warar ka soo baxaya Italay ayaa tibaaxayay in Nerazzurri ay xiiseyneyso weeraryahankii hore ee Bayern Munich, waxaana Mancini uu xaqiijiyay inay kooxdiisa bartilmaameedsaneyso ka dib markii wax laga weydiiyay ciyaartoyda diirada u saaran.

“Podolski waa ciyaaryahan fiican” ayuu tababaraha Inter u sheegay Sport Mediaset.

“Waxa uu qeyb ka yahay liiska ciyaartoyda aan indhaha ku heyno, sidaasi darteed waan arki doonaa waxa ka soo baxa.”


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