Somalia has reacted angrily to Cord leader Raila Odinga's remarks that the international community recognises Somaliland as an independent state.
Ambassador Gamal Hassan termed Raila's...
“Annigu Shaqsiyan Si Weyn Ayaan U Taageeraa Aqoonsiga JSL, Waxaan Ogahay Inay Buuxiyeen Shuruudihii Dawladnimo” Raysal Wasaarihii Hore Ee Kenya Raila Odinga.
Ra’ysul-wasaarahii hore dalka...
Speaking in Chatham House Africa on democratic development in the continent, Raila odinga stated his personal support for the recognition of Somaliland as independent...
Wajir East MP Abass Sheikh Mohamed wants the Kenya-Somalia border opened for free movement of goods and services.
He said the “official but unpractical” closure...