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Somalia: Xasan Sheekh “Ururka ISIL waa dembiileyaal ka soo horjeeda ilbaxnimada”

Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud , ayaa maanta cambaareeyay falka foosha xun ee ay ku kaceen maliishiyaadka ururka ISIL oo dalka...

US: 6 arrests in Minnesota, California in connection with terrorism investigation

By AMY FORLITI, Associated Press Six people were arrested Sunday in connection with a terrorism investigation in Minnesota, where authorities have been tracking youths who...

Libiya: Daacish oo ”laysay” Masiixiyiin Itoobiyaan ah

Kooxda Daacish ayaa soo saartay muuqaal muujinaya laba kooxood oo dad ah, oo kuwana qoorta laga jarayo, kuwo kalana rasaas lagu furayo, waxaana dadkaas...

USA: Ohio Man Pleads Not Guilty to Terror Charges

Accused of traveling to Syria to support terror group, returning to launch attacks in U.S. A 23-year-old American pleaded not guilty in federal court Friday...

Afghanistan: Weeraro ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay magaalada Jalalabad

Ugu yaraan 35qof ayaa lagu diley in ka badan 100 qof oo kalena waa ku dhaawacmeen weeraro ismiidaamin ah oo ka dhacay magaalada Jalalabad...


Ethiopian Premier Abbiy Ahmed maintains MoU with Somaliland will ultimately treatise

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali is...

President highlights Egyptian greed and hostility towards Somaliland

Somalia’s wish to capture Somaliland by force using Egyptian...

Abdirashid Dahabshiil hired me as I went about my duties of service to the community

Work and education were the two that I worked...

Ethiopian Military Leadership Arrives in Jigjiga for the 47th East Command Anniversary

Top brass of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces has...

