Wargane News

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Somaliland: Rugta Ganacsiga Somaliland Oo Cadaysay In Dekedda Berbera La Kulantay Hoos U Dhicii Ugu Darnaa Intii DP World Lagu Wareejiyay

Rugta ganacsiga Somaliland ayaa cadaysay in shirkadda DP world uga dartay nidaamkii shaqo ee dekedda Berbera islamarkaana uu dekedda hoos u dhac weyni ku...

Somaliland: Is there a rift growing between Hersi Ali Haji Hassan and Abdirahman Irro?

The two top leaders of Somaliland’s main opposition party, Waddani, appear to be in the middle of a political dispute as the party’s presidential...

Somaliland: Sheekh Aadan-Siiro Oo Sheegay In Ganacsato Ku Tartamayso Inay Iibsadaan Dhulka Laynka Booliiska Ee Hargeysa

Sheekh Aadan Xaaji Maxamuud Xiirey (Sheekh Aadan-Siiro), ayaa Khudbaddii Jimcaha ee Shalay kaga hadlay dhibaato ka jirta Dekedda Magaalada Berbera oo Xukuumadda Somalilad ku...

Somaliland: MP Rayte becomes 5th politician from eastern Somaliland to return to Kulmiye from Waddani

MP Ibrahim Jama Ali Rayte, announced his return to Somaliland’s ruling political party, Kulmiye, on Wednesday, after being a member of the opposition for the past...

Former Silanyo cabinet minister joins opposition party

A former minister who served as Telecommunications Minister under President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo, announced his decision on Tuesday (Aug 15) to join Somaliland’s...


Time to Temper Response to Ethiopia and Somaliland

The crisis in bilateral relations between Somalia and Ethiopia...

Al-Shabab captures UN helicopter in central Somalia

Several passengers reportedly taken by the armed group after...

It is Time for the World to Recognize Somaliland

omaliland has been on a charm offensive for three...

Somaliland does not want to be a “banana republic”

Somaliland is not seeking to be a “banana republic”....