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The Somaliland House of Representatives approved a resolution opposing the Somali government’s interference in the maritime affairs of the Republic of Somaliland.

The Somaliland House of Representatives approved a resolution opposing the Somali government's interference in the maritime affairs of the Republic of Somaliland. The Parliament of...

Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo 376 Maxbuus cafis u fidiyay

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi waxa uu wareegto madaxweyne oo summadeedu tahay JSL/XM/WM/222-1144/012024, uu Cafis Guud u fidiyey Maxaabiista dembiyada fudud ku...

Xubnaha Komishanka Xuquuqul Insaanka Qaranka oo Madaxweynaha Hortiisa Lagu Dhaariyey.

Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, garyaqaan Aadan Xaaji Cali Axmed, ayaa maanta madaxweynaha Qaranka Somaliland hortiisa ku dhaariyey xubnaha Komishanka xuquuqul Insaanka qaranka. Munaasibadda...

How Ethiopia’s Recognition of Somaliland Can Aid in its Quest for International Recognition.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Somaliland and Ethiopia is a historic moment that could lead to mutual prosperity. As per...

Aqoonsiga Itoobiya muxuu ku soo Kordhinayaa Somaliland?

Itoobiya iyo Somaliland waxa ay leeyihiin xidhiidh qoto dheer iyo iskaashi ku dhisan is garabsi. Haddaba bulshada qaar ayaa is waydiinaya haddii itoobiya oo kali...


Ethiopian Premier Abbiy Ahmed maintains MoU with Somaliland will ultimately treatise

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali is...

President highlights Egyptian greed and hostility towards Somaliland

Somalia’s wish to capture Somaliland by force using Egyptian...

Abdirashid Dahabshiil hired me as I went about my duties of service to the community

Work and education were the two that I worked...

Ethiopian Military Leadership Arrives in Jigjiga for the 47th East Command Anniversary

Top brass of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces has...