Somalia: Hay’adda NISA oo sheegtay in ay qabatay xubin ka tirsan Amniyaadka Al-shabaab


War ka soo baxay hay’adda Nabad-sugida Qaranka ayaa lagu sheegay in howlgal ay ciidamadu ka sameeyeen degmada Shibis ay ku soo qabteen xubin ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab u qaabilsan qaarajinta [Amniyaadka ]

“Ciidanka amniga ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay Xubin Amniyaatka Al-shabaab ah oo ku sugnaa degmada Shibis, eedaysanahan oo ka howlgali jiray degmooyinka Yaaqshid iyo Heliwaa ayaa lagu tuhmayaa in uu ka danbeeyay dilal qorshaysan oo dad shacab ah loo gaystay ayuu lagu yiri War kasoo baxay NISA.

Balse hay’adda ma aysan shaacin magaca shaqsiga ay sheegeen in ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen, hasse ahaatee waxaa uu qeyb ka noqonayaa xubno horay sidan oo kale NISA u sheegtay in ay ku soo qabteen howlgalo kala duwan.

Dhinaca kale degmada Baardheere ee gobolka Gedo wararka ka imanaya ayaa sheegaya in halkaa ciidamada dowladda isku soo dhibeen labo sarkaal oo ka tirsanaa Ururka Al-shabaab oo ka howlgali jiray gobolka Gedo.

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