RASMI: Xiddiga Arsenal Jack Wilshere Oo Dhameystiray Ku Biiritaankiisa Kooxda Bournemouth.


Kooxda Bournemouth ayaa ku dhawaaqday goor dhaweyd inay heshiis amaah hal sanno ah kula wareegtay xiddigii khadka dhexe ee kooxda Arsenal Jack Wilshere.

Wilshere ayaa goor sii horeysay gaaray garoonka kooxda Bournemouth Vitality Stadium isagoo halkaas kula kulmay madaxda kooxda islamarkaana tijaabada caafimaadka ku maray.

Heshiiska uu Wilshere ugu biiray Bournemouth ayaa ahaa mid muddo dheer lagu jahwareersanaa iyadoo lala xiriirinayay kooxda Crystal Palace balse hadana ku dhawaaday inuu ku biiro Roma iyadoo AC Milan ay xilli danbe soo gashay tartankiisa laakiin waxa uu doortay Bournemouth.

Bournemouth ayaa sheegtay in 24 jirkaan uu sii xoojin doono khadka dhexe ee kooxda tababare Eddie Howe, islamarkaana uu qibrad ku soo kordhin doono madaama uu 34 kulan u ciyaaray xulka England.

Tababare Arsene Wenger ayaa ku wargeliyay xiddiga khadka dhexe inuusan xilli ciyaareedkan boos joogta ah ka heleynin kooxda islamarkaana ay yaraan doonto waqtigiisa ciyaaraha, waxaana uu kula taliyay inuu heshiis amaah ah ku baxo si uu helo ciyaar joogta ah.


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