Somaliland: Maamulaha Guud ee Dahabshiil oo ka waramay Shirka Maalgashiga ee Dowladda Japan iyo Africa uga socday Nairobi


Cabdirashiid Dahabshiil oo ka mid ahaa dadkii ka qayb galay Shirka Africa iyo Japan ayaa Idaacadda BBC-da uga waramay wixii uga baxay shirkaasi.

Magaalada Nairobi ayaa lagu soo gabogabeeyay shirka iskaashiga Japan iyo Africa.
Madaxweynaha Kenya,Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa amaanay oo guul wayn ku tilmaamay shirkan oo labo maalmood socday ayna soo qaban qaabisay dawladda Japan.
Ra’iisal wasaaraha dalka Japan Shinzo Abe oo sabtidii shirka furay ayaa ballaanqaday 30 bilyan oo dollar oo maalgalin iyo kaalmo isugu jirta oo japan ay siin doonto Afrika saddexda sano ee soo socota si loo horumariyo koboca dhaqaale iyo xiriirka ganacsi ee qaaradda.
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