War Deg Deg Ah: Qaar Ka Mid Ah Ciidamada Maleeshiyaadka Cali Khaliif Oo Isku Soo Dhiibay Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland


War deg deg ah oo hada naga soo gaadhaya magaalada caynaba ee xarunta gobolka saraar soona gaadhaya xafiiska warqabadka shabakada Warganenews ayaa sheegaya in ciidan tiro badan iyo gadiid dagaal oo kasoo goostay kooxda nabad diidka ah ee Khaatumo ay goor dhawayd isku soo dhiibeen ciidamada qaranka Somaliland.

Waxaana ciidanka iyo gaadiidkan dagaal ee kasoo goostay kooxda nabad diidka ah ee uu hor-joogaha u yahay Cali Khaliif Galaydh naloo sheegay in ciidamada qaranka Somaliland iyo masuuliyiinta dawlada Somaliland kamid ahi ay goordhaw kusoo dhawaynayaan magaalada caynaba ee xarunta gobolka saraar iyaga oo u diyaariyay sida naloo sheegay munaasibad soo dhawayn ah.

Ilaa hadda ma cadda sababta ay ciidankan iyo gadiidka dagaalku ay uga soo goosteen kooxdaasi uu hogaamiyo Cali Khaliif Galaydh balse sababta, tirada ciidanka soo goostey iyo saraakiisha hogaaminaysaba goor kala soco shabakada wararka  WarganeNews


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