US: Afhayeen John Boehner Oo Is-casilaya


John Boehner oo laga soo doortay gobolka Ohio oo ka tirsan xisbiga Jamhuuriga ayaa sheegay in markii horaba uu doonayey in xilka afhayeenka uu banneeyo dabo-yaaqada sanadkan, kaddib markii xubno badan oo ay isku xisbiyihiin ay waxbadan isku fahmiwaayeen.

John Boehner ayaa sheegay in shaqadda ugu horaysa ee afhayeenka laga rabo ay tahay illaalinta hay’adda dhammaan la wada jecelyahay ,isagoo sheegay in aysan arrintu isaga khuseyn balse ay tahay mid ku saabsan shacabka iyo hay’adda.

John Boehner ayaa ah wakiilka gobolka Ohio ee dalka Mareykanka tan iyo 1990-kii isagoo culeys badan uu ka soo wajahay xubnaha xag-jirka ah ee xisbiga jamhuuriga oo ay jiraan arrimo badan oo ay isku fahmiwaayeen.

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