India: 335 qof oo u dhintay Kulka cimilada


Isbedal weyn oo ku yimid cimilada dalka India ayaa keenay inay boqolaal dad u dhintaan kulka cimilada.

Sabtidii shalay oo kaliya ayey dad gaaraya 135 qof u dhinteen kulka, iyadoo tirada guud ee dadka u dhintay kulka ka jira dalkaasi India uu hada gaarayo 335.

Gobalada ku yaal bariga dalka India ayaa waxay cimiladu gaartay 45 illaa iyo 48 digrii.

Labada gobal ee Andhra Pradesh iyo Talenga ayaa ah goobaha dadka ugu badan ay ku dhinteen.

Dowlada India ayaa ugu baaqday dadkeeda inay ku jiraan guryaha xiliga duhurkii oo ah wakhtiga ay adceeda aad u kulushahay.


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