Iraq: ISIS oo dagaal-yahano gaaraya 2000 uga dhinteen duqeynta!


Warbixin laga soo saaray duqeymaha ka socda dalalka Ciraaq iyo Siiriya ayaa sheegaya in ka badan 2000 dagaalyahanada ISIS inay ku dhinteen goobaha ay duqeymaha ku socdaan tan iyo bishii September ee sanadkii tagay 2014.

Tirada guud ee looga dilay kooxda ISIS duqeymaha Maraykanka iyo xulafadiisa ayaa lagu sheegay inay gaareeyso 2079 askari, waxaana la sheegay in sidoo kale 90 askari oo ka tirsan kooxda Jabhatul Nusra ee Siiriya lagu dilay duqeymaha.

 Xoogaga ISIS ayaa dhawaan isaga baxay deegaano ay horey u heysteen oo ay ku jirto magaalada Tikriit ee caasimada gobalka Salaaxu-diin ee Galbeedka dalkaasi Ciraaq.
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