Why Somaliland in 4 years’ Time Became Regional Pariah Explained


By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye

From day one in his presidency on Friday, 30 July 2010, President Silanyo was accused of inclusion of terror elements into his newly formed administration.“…now seems less than likely that Washington will help promote the sovereign recognition which Hargeisa had been seeking. The Kulmiye Government continues to claim that it seeks this recognition of Somaliland sovereignty, which is what most of Kulmiye’s traditional support base wants. However, the reality is that the “new Kulmiye”, now dominated by Islamists…” Oilprice intelligence paper stated. Ever since, the world had frozen ties with Somaliland.

Talks failed yet the negotiators met heroic welcome back home. Failure meets celebrations, how success is dealt with is an enigma.

Comparing present Hirsi-Silanyo led Somaliland to its past is disgusting analogy. Group of reckless circle has politically abused our Somaliland. The international press has been speaking positively about Somaliland gradual democratization and strengthening institutions until Kulmiye government arrived and packed their army of Islamists to the throne to create “Somalilandistan”. Article title by the foreign press “A Democratic Beacon of Hope in a Dangerous Part of the World” and others ceased for good.

It also beautifully stated the below verbatim

This democratic success story takes place in Somaliland, which borders a country to the south that is overwhelmingly controlled by terrorists (Somalia), sits 150 miles across the Gulf of Aden from one of al Qaeda’s stronger safe-havens (Yemen), is roughly 70 miles south of one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terror (Eritrea), and is separated by only one country from the site of a recent genocide (Sudan).

Christ Harnisch concludes,:

“The time has come for the United States to start examining whether or not Somaliland may be a partner worth recognizing and embracing”.

Immediately, after President Silanyo assumed office, the international press neither mentions but begun to speak ill of Somaliland.

“The main opposition party, Kulmiye, was created hastily after the death of Pres. Egal so that its leader, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, could run for the presidency in 2003…The party’s membership is mainly drawn from one of the three major Isaac sub-clans which constitute the majority of the Somaliland population and as such is narrowly-based and lacks wide political support from the non-Isaac clans in the western and eastern regions of the country”.

Why Somaliland Foreign Policy come To Standstill

Kulmiye Government is struggling with Islamists and sympathizers with “Jihadists”. Defense and Foreign Affairsof the Oilprice.com reaffirmed

“…because of its relentless quest for popular support, at any price, the party has co-opted a group of known Islamists who came either from political organizations which failed to be recognized as political parties or splintered from other parties and organizations. Of recent however, the party became top heavy with known members of said group”

4 years later, Abdillahi Abokor Osman deputy security minister reinforced the notion that some Somaliland ministers have links or at the least sympathize with Al-Shabab, his revelation had narrowly cost his life after his home was stormed. He was prisoned without any charges leveled against him but later released.

Soon after one of the most dangerous militant man Sheikh Samale resigned, a former security minister Osman said” he was a thorn in the entire Horn of Africa who Somalilanders prayed God for his removal, God finally answered I think of the people’ appeal”. During his work as Finance Minister, Amer Samale and old-fashioned warrior imposed the cruelest taxes on impoverished society much like the one in Bidoa during ISIL-like draconian system; the tax money didn’t go to health or education but to Jihads worldwide perhaps. Public buildings were auctioned to finance mysterious urgencies, the nation felt insolvency.

With zero knowledge of economics, Shar Samale doubly taxed basic supplies and spared Madrasa radicalizing textbooks and luxury cars to reach Jihadist who runs out of SUVs! Half of Somaliland entrepreneurships evaporated because of nirvana mania, if other parties were in place, they would subsidize them to compete with global giants.

It’s obvious that Islamists are forcing neighbor countries to treat Somaliland like Hamas-controlled Gaza: opening and sealing off Wajale and Loya’ado of Djibouti once for a while like Rafah crossings.

Somaliland Presidential Elections Are Still Possible

Somaliland National Election Commission (NEC) scheduled to hold elections on 26 June this year but opposition forces accused the government of sabotaging the elections to holdover. The ruling Party Kulmiye despite its name which means the Unifier is a unionist, a corrupt.

Wadani Party the biggest rival to the ruling party is very popular and is predicted to win elections if “free and fair” therefore the government wants to hold elections with unregistered voters to rig or delay it indefinitely. If elections are delayed because of lame excuses, the chances for global recognition for Somaliland are narrowed and security is compromised. Opposition forces argued.

The last municipal elections Mr. Hirsi administered cost the lives of several innocents when he amassed RRU paramilitary troops at his disposal on Iftin district in Hargeisa until Hassan Isse jama the national hero and Living Legend for all Somalilanders acceded to his party’s defeat to save his people.

In addition, there’s religious extremism in abundance all over the place, and they will take stock of any pro-democracy demonstrations for their own purpose and the “militant” man is not that wise to understand. “Any ultimatum from the opposition parties won’t move us (me and my surrogate father) an inch!” exclaimed Hirsi in response to Ali Guray of UCID.

Should the world watch the simmering dispute, it will easily escalate into deadly civil war and have regional consequences, as the world press emphasizes the militants strengthening their trenches within the reckless system whose leader has aged and unaware of the imminent disasters despite multiple warnings. Unfortunately, the international community didn’t heed warnings.

The opposition parties threatened to form a parallel government alongside Hirsi’s if elections are not hold as scheduled by NEC and agreed by the government, and opposition parties. If ruling motley class behind the aged president in Somaliland left unchecked to arrest journalists or to delay elections 26 June indefinitely, that passive behavior will disempower forces of peace and moderation. But opposition parties vowed it won’t bombed into oblivion.

Regional Security Coordination Suspended

Djibouti constant off and on of the shared border with Somaliland awakened diehard Kulmiye fans to the fact that Somaliland has become regional and international pariah for obvious reasons. “Why terrorists pass through Hargeisa and attack neighbor cities? Are the terrorists sane enough to bypass Hargeisa presidential office and attack others? Does Somaliland become like Pakistan the “world’s terror supermarket”. This baffles the entire world security analysts.

The “sane” terror and “discriminate” militancy is new Jihad phenomenon and midwifed by mysterious devil but felt only when unelected militants according to the world press hijacked power from an aged Silanyo. Terrorists are said to pass through Hargeisa like Pakistani transit airportslike never before after “fed, sheltered”, and submerged satanic rituals. This free access to already existing infrastructure of terror led the neighbors to turn their entry points into Rafah-like, where Egypt monitors tunnels and keep Palestinians at inhuman siege to remain safe.Likewise, no country on earth wants to compromise their security.

Tribalism, cronyism, nepotism, and Neo-salafism exponentially had grown at the expense of the national psyche. Somaliland shrunk from both sides and continues to shrink from the hearts of Somaliland diaspora, this year 18 May independence celebration may attend by few disappointed Somalilanders.. Independence Day this May 18 is to mourn, not to celebrate. Kulmiye Government’s utter failure broke the record for 4 years in row! Empty talks also miserably failed.

Finally, Somalilanders and international community shouldn’t passively watch Somaliland imploding from within by seeing Somaliland boxing in but warn to curb the danger that can result from the indefinite delay of elections that lead to ultimate collapse?

Dirye is Somaliland Writer, Activist, and Senior Editor at Democracy Chronicles’ African Desk.dirye@democracychronicles.com

By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye

From day one in his presidency on Friday, 30 July 2010, President Silanyo was accused of inclusion of terror elements into his newly formed administration.“…now seems less than likely that Washington will help promote the sovereign recognition which Hargeisa had been seeking. The Kulmiye Government continues to claim that it seeks this recognition of Somaliland sovereignty, which is what most of Kulmiye’s traditional support base wants. However, the reality is that the “new Kulmiye”, now dominated by Islamists…” Oilprice intelligence paper stated. Ever since, the world had frozen ties with Somaliland.

Talks failed yet the negotiators met heroic welcome back home. Failure meets celebrations, how success is dealt with is an enigma.

Comparing present Hirsi-Silanyo led Somaliland to its past is disgusting analogy. Group of reckless circle has politically abused our Somaliland. The international press has been speaking positively about Somaliland gradual democratization and strengthening institutions until Kulmiye government arrived and packed their army of Islamists to the throne to create “Somalilandistan”. Article title by the foreign press “A Democratic Beacon of Hope in a Dangerous Part of the World” and others ceased for good.

It also beautifully stated the below verbatim

This democratic success story takes place in Somaliland, which borders a country to the south that is overwhelmingly controlled by terrorists (Somalia), sits 150 miles across the Gulf of Aden from one of al Qaeda’s stronger safe-havens (Yemen), is roughly 70 miles south of one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terror (Eritrea), and is separated by only one country from the site of a recent genocide (Sudan).

Christ Harnisch concludes,:

“The time has come for the United States to start examining whether or not Somaliland may be a partner worth recognizing and embracing”.

Immediately, after President Silanyo assumed office, the international press neither mentions but begun to speak ill of Somaliland.

“The main opposition party, Kulmiye, was created hastily after the death of Pres. Egal so that its leader, Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo, could run for the presidency in 2003…The party’s membership is mainly drawn from one of the three major Isaac sub-clans which constitute the majority of the Somaliland population and as such is narrowly-based and lacks wide political support from the non-Isaac clans in the western and eastern regions of the country”.

Why Somaliland Foreign Policy come To Standstill

Kulmiye Government is struggling with Islamists and sympathizers with “Jihadists”. Defense and Foreign Affairsof the Oilprice.com reaffirmed

“…because of its relentless quest for popular support, at any price, the party has co-opted a group of known Islamists who came either from political organizations which failed to be recognized as political parties or splintered from other parties and organizations. Of recent however, the party became top heavy with known members of said group”

4 years later, Abdillahi Abokor Osman deputy security minister reinforced the notion that some Somaliland ministers have links or at the least sympathize with Al-Shabab, his revelation had narrowly cost his life after his home was stormed. He was prisoned without any charges leveled against him but later released.

Soon after one of the most dangerous militant man Sheikh Samale resigned, a former security minister Osman said” he was a thorn in the entire Horn of Africa who Somalilanders prayed God for his removal, God finally answered I think of the people’ appeal”. During his work as Finance Minister, Amer Samale and old-fashioned warrior imposed the cruelest taxes on impoverished society much like the one in Bidoa during ISIL-like draconian system; the tax money didn’t go to health or education but to Jihads worldwide perhaps. Public buildings were auctioned to finance mysterious urgencies, the nation felt insolvency.

With zero knowledge of economics, Shar Samale doubly taxed basic supplies and spared Madrasa radicalizing textbooks and luxury cars to reach Jihadist who runs out of SUVs! Half of Somaliland entrepreneurships evaporated because of nirvana mania, if other parties were in place, they would subsidize them to compete with global giants.

It’s obvious that Islamists are forcing neighbor countries to treat Somaliland like Hamas-controlled Gaza: opening and sealing off Wajale and Loya’ado of Djibouti once for a while like Rafah crossings.

Somaliland Presidential Elections Are Still Possible

Somaliland National Election Commission (NEC) scheduled to hold elections on 26 June this year but opposition forces accused the government of sabotaging the elections to holdover. The ruling Party Kulmiye despite its name which means the Unifier is a unionist, a corrupt.

Wadani Party the biggest rival to the ruling party is very popular and is predicted to win elections if “free and fair” therefore the government wants to hold elections with unregistered voters to rig or delay it indefinitely. If elections are delayed because of lame excuses, the chances for global recognition for Somaliland are narrowed and security is compromised. Opposition forces argued.

The last municipal elections Mr. Hirsi administered cost the lives of several innocents when he amassed RRU paramilitary troops at his disposal on Iftin district in Hargeisa until Hassan Isse jama the national hero and Living Legend for all Somalilanders acceded to his party’s defeat to save his people.

In addition, there’s religious extremism in abundance all over the place, and they will take stock of any pro-democracy demonstrations for their own purpose and the “militant” man is not that wise to understand. “Any ultimatum from the opposition parties won’t move us (me and my surrogate father) an inch!” exclaimed Hirsi in response to Ali Guray of UCID.

Should the world watch the simmering dispute, it will easily escalate into deadly civil war and have regional consequences, as the world press emphasizes the militants strengthening their trenches within the reckless system whose leader has aged and unaware of the imminent disasters despite multiple warnings. Unfortunately, the international community didn’t heed warnings.

The opposition parties threatened to form a parallel government alongside Hirsi’s if elections are not hold as scheduled by NEC and agreed by the government, and opposition parties. If ruling motley class behind the aged president in Somaliland left unchecked to arrest journalists or to delay elections 26 June indefinitely, that passive behavior will disempower forces of peace and moderation. But opposition parties vowed it won’t bombed into oblivion.

Regional Security Coordination Suspended

Djibouti constant off and on of the shared border with Somaliland awakened diehard Kulmiye fans to the fact that Somaliland has become regional and international pariah for obvious reasons. “Why terrorists pass through Hargeisa and attack neighbor cities? Are the terrorists sane enough to bypass Hargeisa presidential office and attack others? Does Somaliland become like Pakistan the “world’s terror supermarket”. This baffles the entire world security analysts.

The “sane” terror and “discriminate” militancy is new Jihad phenomenon and midwifed by mysterious devil but felt only when unelected militants according to the world press hijacked power from an aged Silanyo. Terrorists are said to pass through Hargeisa like Pakistani transit airportslike never before after “fed, sheltered”, and submerged satanic rituals. This free access to already existing infrastructure of terror led the neighbors to turn their entry points into Rafah-like, where Egypt monitors tunnels and keep Palestinians at inhuman siege to remain safe.Likewise, no country on earth wants to compromise their security.

Tribalism, cronyism, nepotism, and Neo-salafism exponentially had grown at the expense of the national psyche. Somaliland shrunk from both sides and continues to shrink from the hearts of Somaliland diaspora, this year 18 May independence celebration may attend by few disappointed Somalilanders.. Independence Day this May 18 is to mourn, not to celebrate. Kulmiye Government’s utter failure broke the record for 4 years in row! Empty talks also miserably failed.

Finally, Somalilanders and international community shouldn’t passively watch Somaliland imploding from within by seeing Somaliland boxing in but warn to curb the danger that can result from the indefinite delay of elections that lead to ultimate collapse?

Dirye is Somaliland Writer, Activist, and Senior Editor at Democracy Chronicles’ African Desk.dirye@democracychronicles.com

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