Ongwen oo maanta maxkamadda ICC hortagaya


Hogaamiyaha Fallaagada LRA ee dhowaantan la qabtay, Dominic Ongwen, ayaa la filaayaa maanta inuu markii ugu horeysay ka hor muuqdo maxkamadda dembiyada caalamka ee ICC.

Dominic Ongwen, oo taliye sare ka ahaa LRA, ayaa wajihaya eedo kala duwan oo ku saabsan dembiyo dagaal.

Waxaa lagu qabtay Jamhuuriyadda Bartamaha Africa horraantii bishan.

Madaxa waaxda dacwad oogista ee maxakamadda ICC Fatou Bensouda ayaa sheegtay in ninkan ICC loo dhiibo ay soo afjareyso tallaabada argagixinta ee LRA ay wado.

Ongwen waxa uu ka mid ahaa shan hogaamiye sare oo 10 sano ka hor ay ICC-da dalbatay in la soo qabto.

Waxa uu ku dhex koray fallaagadan kaddib markii asigoo 10 sano jir ah ay afduubteen LRA xilli uu u socday iskuul ku yaalla waqooyiga Ugandha.

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