Tag: Uk

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Rushanara Ali oo Dawladda UK ugu Baaqday ka Qeybgalka Gurmadka Abaaraha Somaliland

Xildhibaan Rushanara Ali oo ka mid ah baarlamanka UK, ayaa ku baaqday in laga qeyb-qaato gargaar degdeg ah oo loo fidiyo dadka ku waxyeeloobay...

Somaliland hopes Brexit will pave way for UK to grant international recognition

As Berbera port deal opens global trade gateway, Somaliland optimistic that freedom from EU policy will allow Britain to acknowledge self-declared state. Britain’s looming departure...

Somalia: Home away from home

Lots of people I meet are curious about life in the Embassy. It’s a bit of a mystery to those who haven’t experienced it....

Somaliland: Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo u Sharaxay Dawladda Ingiriiska Faa’iidooyinka Ugu Jira Inay Aqoonsadaan Qaranimadda Somaliland

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa Ingiriiska ugu baaqay in aqoonsiga Somaliland u sahlayo inay si nabadgelyo ah ganacsigoodu u soo...

Brexit: Dahabshiil CEO believes that a solid currency is good for business stability.

Dahabshiil Chief Executive Abdirashid Duale says the stability of Sterling and the Euro across the UK and in Europe have been good for remittances,...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

