Tag: Somaliland Development Fund

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Somaliland: SDF and Minorities in Sool

Somaliland  Development Fund to which UK Aid, Embassy of Denmark, The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Norwegian Embassy and  Kingdom of the Netherlands contribute is making a difference to...

Somaliland: Government Officials dismiss SDF Corruption Allegations

Top government officials refuted in the strongest terms a commentary by Waheen newspaper, a Somali language which accusing government officials of graft and unjustly...

Somaliland: “Waxa Dhaqan-geliya Mashaariicda SDF Shirkadda Mac Donald, Shaqaaluhuna Waxay u Qaataan.. ”

Wasaaradda Qorshaynta Qaranka iyo Horumarinta Somaliland ayaa beenisay war ay qoreen qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta oo ay ku sheegayeen in aan si siman...

Somaliland: Madaxweynaha Silaanyo Oo Qaabilay Wasiirka Ingiriiska u Qaabilsan Horumarinta Caalamiga ah

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland mudane Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo ayaa xafiiskiisa ku qaabiley wefti uu hogaaminaayo Wasiirka Dawlada ingiriiska u qaabilsan xidhiidhka horumarinta caalamiga ah Min....

Somaliland: Are SDF Project Funds Distributed Equitably?

Unjust distribution of SDF Projects threatens must be Checked. 55 years ago, our grandfathers took a journey that shaped our destiny. Ousting colonial power and...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

