Tag: migrants from Afric

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Italy: Talyaaniga oo badbaadiyey kumanaan soo galooti ah

Ilaalada xeebaha ee dalka Talyaaniga ayaa sheegaya in ay badbaadiyeen ku dhowaad lix kun oo soo galooti ah oo isku dayey in ay gaaraan...

Italy: Ciidamada Badda Talyaaniga oo badbaadiyey Inka badan 3500 tahriibeyaal

Ciidamada Badda Talyaaniga ayaa soo badbaadiyey ku dhowaad 3,7000  Tahriibeyaal 24-kii saacadood ee lasoo dhaafay. Tahriibeyaasha dad Afrikaan ah ayaa waxaa badbaadiyey maraakiib laga leeyahay...

Belgium: Shirkii EU ee looga hadlayey Tahriibta oo furmay

Waxaa Khamiistii shalay magaalada Brussels isugu tagay hogaamiyayaasha dalalka EU oo shir aan caadi ahayn ka yeeshay xalka dadka Tahriibta ah ee kusoo qul...

Italy: Mediterranean migrants crisis: Is military force the solution?

European leaders are scrambling to find a way of stemming the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean after a large spike in deaths drew...

Italy: ‘We wanted to go to mainland Europe, not Malta’ – migrants at Hal Far open centre

A number of migrants from various countries interviewed by The Malta Independent at the Hal Far open centre yesterday said they were seeking new...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

