Two-thirds of Kenyans say they support closing the Dadaab refugee camp and sending all Somali refugees back home, a new survey shows.
In recent months,...
Kenya and Ethiopia are vying for lucrative Somaliland market: selling Miraa, narcotic green leaves a.k.a Khat, to Somaliland. But Somaliland hardly gains anything from...
Iyadoo dawlada Kenya suuq u raadinaysa Jaadka Miirooga ee kasoo baxa dalkeeda ayaa waxaa todobaaddkii Hore kulamo kala duwan magaalada Hargeysa ku yeeshay wafti...
While eulogising the late Economics Planning Minister Zachary Onyonka, his contemporary and fellow intellectual Mwai Kibaki simply said, “This man understood how the Government...