Tag: Kenya

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Remittances from Europe drop as Brexit jitters hit

Money sent by Kenyans living in Europe reduced by 6.3 per cent last month as the decision by Britain to exit the European Union...

Kenyans Support Dadaab Camp Closure, Return of its Troops

Two-thirds of Kenyans say they support closing the Dadaab refugee camp and sending all Somali refugees back home, a new survey shows. In recent months,...

Somaliland: More Poison from Kenya

Kenya and Ethiopia are vying for lucrative Somaliland market: selling Miraa, narcotic green leaves a.k.a Khat, to Somaliland. But Somaliland hardly gains anything from...

Kenya oo Doonaysa Inay Somaliland Keento Jaadka Miirooga, Kulamo ay la yeesheen Madaxda Qaranka iyo Wasiirka arrimaha Dibada oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay Qodobadii laga...

Iyadoo dawlada Kenya suuq u raadinaysa Jaadka Miirooga ee kasoo baxa dalkeeda ayaa waxaa todobaaddkii Hore kulamo kala duwan magaalada Hargeysa ku yeeshay wafti...

Kenya: Amina Mohammed the only ‘man’ in Uhuru’s Cabinet

While eulogising the late Economics Planning Minister Zachary Onyonka, his contemporary and fellow intellectual Mwai Kibaki simply said, “This man understood how the Government...


Ethiopian Premier Abbiy Ahmed maintains MoU with Somaliland will ultimately treatise

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali is...

President highlights Egyptian greed and hostility towards Somaliland

Somalia’s wish to capture Somaliland by force using Egyptian...

Abdirashid Dahabshiil hired me as I went about my duties of service to the community

Work and education were the two that I worked...

Ethiopian Military Leadership Arrives in Jigjiga for the 47th East Command Anniversary

Top brass of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces has...

