Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Axmed Maxamed Silaanyo ayaa maanta Xafiiskiisa ku qaabiley safiirka Dalka Finland u fadhiya Kenya, Tarja Fernandez, oo ay weheliso Madaxa...
Wakiilada waxa khuseeya siyaasadda iyo sharciyadda ku gadaaman Heshiiska Maalgashiga DP World(The Plitical And Legal framework Of The DP World Investment Ageement). Marka Wasiirka...
Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs Dr. Saad Ali Shire come out in defense of the former Kenyan Prime Minister and CORD...
The Chairman of the Diaspora Agency, Mr. Abdi Abdillahi Hersi (Dayaxweerar) in his opening speech during the 2nd day of the Diaspora conference encouraged...