Tag: Dahabshiil remittance

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Brexit: Dahabshiil CEO believes that a solid currency is good for business stability.

Dahabshiil Chief Executive Abdirashid Duale says the stability of Sterling and the Euro across the UK and in Europe have been good for remittances,...

Somaliland: Dahabshiil ready to partner with AU to lower Diaspora remittances cost

Leading money transfer company Dahabshiil is ready to work with the African Union in partnership with African states to enable them to reform their...

US: American Refugee Committee (ARC) Recognizes Dahabshiil for exemplary role in Somali business development

The Dahabshiil operations in the Horn of Africa especially among refugee communities are not only commercially oriented but help dire livelihoods as well. This acknowledgment...

US: Hay’ada ARC oo Abaalmarin Caalami ah ku guddoonsiisay Shirkadda Dahabshiil Dalka Maraykanka

Waxa xalay, Axad 15 November, lagu qabtay magaalada Minneapolis ee wadanka Maraykanka kulan ay soo qabanqaabisay hay’ada caalamiga ah ee arrimaha qaxootiga qaabilsan ee...

Somalia: Crossed Wires Starve Somalia of Cash

Antiterror restrictions prevent expats from sending money home. Liban Gaal is one of an estimated 1.5 million Somalis living abroad who are helping the economy back...


New Taiwanese President vouches for continued relations with Somaliland

The new president of Taiwan, William Lai, has vouched...

China scolds Somaliland region over ties with Taiwan

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The People's Republic of China has scolded...

Dahabshiil Group and Dutch government delegation discuss roles in projects development

The Group CEO of Dahabshiil Group, Abdirashid Mohamed Duale,...

