Tag: Barack Obama

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Somalia: Chinese perspectives on Obama’s 2015 visit to Africa

Facts belie America’s critique that China is in Africa for resource extraction only In his recent state visit to Kenya and Ethiopia—his fourth presidential visit...

US: Obama Ayaa Sheegay In Dhibaatada Ku Imanaysa Cimilada Loo Baahan Yahay In Laga Hortago

Madaxweyne Obama ayaa sheegay inuu ku qanacsan yahay inaanay jirin khatar ka weyn Isbedelka Cimilada oo soo foodsaaraysa mustaqbalka jiilka jooga iyo weliba kuwa...

Ethiopia: Obama oo amaaney dagaalka Ethiopia kula jirto Al Shabaab

Madaxweynaha Mareykanka Barack Obama oo booqasho ku jooga magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa amaan balaaran ujeediyey kaalinta Dowladda Itoobiya ee arrimaha Soomaaliya. Shir Jaraa’id uu qabtey...

Ethiopia: Obama oo khudbad ka jeedinaya xarunta Midowga Afrika

Madaxweynaha Maraykanka Barack Obama oo shalay gelinkii danbe gaaray caasimada Itoobiya ee Addis Abab ayaa maanta khudbad kasoo jeedinaya xarunta Midowga Afrika. Obama ayaa lagu...

Ethiopia: Obama urges Ethiopia to end crackdown on opposition

US president, after meeting PM Hailemariam, says political inclusion makes a country "stronger and more successful" Barack Obama has met the Ethiopian prime minister on...


Time to Temper Response to Ethiopia and Somaliland

The crisis in bilateral relations between Somalia and Ethiopia...

Al-Shabab captures UN helicopter in central Somalia

Several passengers reportedly taken by the armed group after...

It is Time for the World to Recognize Somaliland

omaliland has been on a charm offensive for three...

Somaliland does not want to be a “banana republic”

Somaliland is not seeking to be a “banana republic”....

