Tag: Al-shabaab

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Kenya police freed from al-Shabab captivity in Somalia

Two Kenyan officers abducted by al-Shabab militants more than two years ago have been freed, police say. Kenya's police chief Joseph Boinnet says the men...

Somalia: Al-Shabaab oo weerar ku qaadey laba Hotel oo Muqdisho ku yaala

Qaar ka tirsan Ciidamadda al-shabaab ayaa weerar ku qaadey laba Hotel oo ku yaala Jidka Makka al-Muklaramah, waxaana dableyda weerarka qaadey u suurta gashey in...

Somalia: Al Shabaab oo weerartay degmada Jalalaqsi ee gobolka Hiiraan

Maleeshiyaadka Al Shabaab ayaa xalay weerar ku qaaday degmada Jalalaqsi ee gobalka Hiiraan, dagaalkaasi oo la sheegay inuu socday muddo saacado ah. Dagaalka ayaa xoogiisa...

Somalia: Al Shabaab advances in several towns in Southern Somalia

Hundreds of al-Shabaab fighters stormed a strategic district in a province northwest of the capital after the Somali government forces withdrew, residents confirmed. Wanlaweyn, a...

Somalia: Ciidamadda AMISOM oo ay dhaqaale xumo lasoo daristay!

Bilowgii sanadkan ayaa waxaa hakad weyn ku yimid qorshihii ciidamada AMISOM ee kooxda Al Shabaab looga saarayey deegaano badan oo kamid ah koonfurta Soomaaliya. Ciidamada...


Ethiopian Premier Abbiy Ahmed maintains MoU with Somaliland will ultimately treatise

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali is...

President highlights Egyptian greed and hostility towards Somaliland

Somalia’s wish to capture Somaliland by force using Egyptian...

Abdirashid Dahabshiil hired me as I went about my duties of service to the community

Work and education were the two that I worked...

Ethiopian Military Leadership Arrives in Jigjiga for the 47th East Command Anniversary

Top brass of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces has...

