Tag: Al-shabaab

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Kenya: KDF soldiers ‘will fight on until there is peace in Somalia’

In Summary President Kenyatta said Kenyan troops would not withdraw from their peace-keeping mission in Somalia any time soon despite the recent attack at a...

Kenya: Xukuumadda oo Weerarkii Ciidamadooda ee Ceel-cadde ku eedeysay Beelaha Soomaalida midkood

Baadhitaano Xukuumada Kenya samaysay ayaa lagu shaaciyey in beel ka mid ah beelaha Koonfurta Soomaaliya kaalin ku lahayd weerarkii maleeshiyaadka Shabaab ku qaadeen xero...

Somalia stumbling along ‘bumpy and difficult’ path to peace and prosperity

As battle against al-Shabaab militants in Somalia continues, outgoing UN representative warns world against assuming it is ‘job done’ in the country. Despite sporadic, sometimes...

Somalia: Diyaaradaha Drone-ka oo duqeyn ka geystey gobolka Shabeelada Hoose

Weerar la aamisan yahay in ay geeysatey diyaarad nooceedu yahay Drone ee ah nooca aan duuliyuhu lahayn ayaa ka dhacay gobolka Shabeleeda Hoose ee...

Somalia: US Drone Strike Hits al-Shabab Positions

A suspected U.S. drone strike overnight Monday is reported to have hit Islamic extremist group al-Shabab positions in southern Somalia. Details are unclear, but local...


Ethiopian Premier Abbiy Ahmed maintains MoU with Somaliland will ultimately treatise

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali is...

President highlights Egyptian greed and hostility towards Somaliland

Somalia’s wish to capture Somaliland by force using Egyptian...

Abdirashid Dahabshiil hired me as I went about my duties of service to the community

Work and education were the two that I worked...

Ethiopian Military Leadership Arrives in Jigjiga for the 47th East Command Anniversary

Top brass of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces has...

